B.K Bennett, S. Pitteri, L. Pilobello, S. Lovell, W. Kaminsky, J. M. Mayer. Osmium(IV) complexes TpOs(X)Cl2 and their Os(III) counterparts: Oxidizing compounds with an unusual resistance to ligand substitution. J Chem Soc DALTON 23 (2001) 3489-3497.

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TpOs(IV)(X)Cl-2 complexes (Tp = hydrotris(1-pyrazolyl)borate) are formed upon treatment of TpOs(NPPh3)Cl-2 with the protic acids HX: triflic acid (HOTf), HCl, HBr, CF3COOH, and CH3COOH. The reaction with acetic acid is slow but is catalyzed by HOTf. The triflate ligand in TpOs(OTf)Cl-2 (1) is remarkably inert and does not undergo simple substitution reactions. For instance, no reaction is observed between 1 and anhydrous Cl- salts, but conversion to TpOsCl(3) occurs upon addition of small amounts of H2O or HCl. Substitution appears to be catalyzed by protic reagents. Treatment of 1 with PPh3 or pyridine (py) yields the substituted osmium(III) complexes TpOs(L)Cl-2 (L = PPh3, py). A more general route to Os(III) complexes involves reduction of 1 by decamethylferrocene (Cp*Fe-2) to give [Cp*Fe-2][TpOs(OTf)Cl-2], which undergoes substitution at 65 degreesC forming the Os(III) complexes TpOs(L)Cl-2 (L = MeCN, C6H5CN, PPh3, pyrimidazole, and NH3) in 70-90% yields. Oxidation of the neutral Os(III) complexes with [NO]BF4 in CH2Cl2 affords Os(IV) salts of the formula [TpOs(L)Cl-2]BF4 in near quantitative yields. This indirect synthetic approach yields osmium(IV) complexes that are not accessible by direct substitution. The Os(IV) complexes are strong oxidants, with E-1/2 values from +0.00 to +0.70 V in MeCN vs. Cp2Fe+/0. The inertness of the triflate ligand in 1, and the acetonitrile ligand in [TpOs(NCMe)Cl-2]BF4, appear to be in part a consequence of the electrophilic character of the Os(IV) center.

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